Thursday, May 24, 2012

Experiment: Failed!

So, I tried the whole " Relax! It'll happen if it wants to" approach to my shop, and, dudes, it does not work.
I couldn't relax, I couldn't chill out. Every time I turned around, I was thinking about it, and how many opportunities I was missing.
I also made no sales at all. Not one. Which is really not that many fewer than three, but still less.
So, I've decided to take my old  stark raving crazy cat lady approach again, and just keep on trucking. Well, talking, really. Ok, actually typing. But you get the idea.
To keep you entertained, because I understand that the mental workings of my imaginary media campaign is really not that interesting to you all, not to mention not all that understandable, here are some beautiful Pictures of Stuff!
Brand new hat - A beautiful and breezy tam.

Another hat- a summer blue beret, in a breezy lace pattern.

New yarn - Colorway: Twilight Sparkle, from my MLPFIM collection

Fun purples and blues, with just a dash of pink!
As always, everything pictured is for sale at My Etsy Shop!
Gourmet Chocolate Stitch Markers, for needles up to sz US13

1 comment:

  1. congrats on the sweater it looks amazing.
    How about a headband? Like the one I am wearing in my facebook pic. Do you think that would work well?. Maybe it would need a little piece of elastic? I would love to buy one from you!!!! a little mini head sweater! I really like the pattern of the blue hat.
    someone took a cool pic of me at a treehouse and I'm wearing the hat you made. once I get a copy of it i'll send it to you. It should be high quality and I think you will like to see your creation in a moonlit treehouse picture!
    and btw you are right, william looks awesome in Orange. it's one of my favs to wear too! William of Orange!
