Wednesday, February 22, 2012

First Knit Night Ever!

Tonight I went to my first Knit Night. I have never been to a gathering of knitters where I actually sat and knit with them. I have only been to stores to buy yarn, and to fairs and festivals to buy fiber.
I have to say it was really nice.

And I'd have to be lying.


I finally could talk about wool, and knitting, and spinning, and say Kitchener, and splice, and they all (except the super newbie, who was still learning to purl) KNEW WHAT I WAS SAYING!
And they cared, or at least had some interest. 
I brought the 12 stitch blanket, which is a slight variation of Frankie Brown's Ten Stitch Blanket, except instead of 10 stitch rows, I use 12, and am using stockinette, not garter. Other than that I am using the pattern exactly! Right.
I also brought some of the Cormo Special and my Ashford drop spindle, and worked on that for a while.
When I first walked in , I didn't think I was in quite the right spot, I didn't see any one knitting or spinning. But then I spotted someone in the corner, and I saw a ball of yarn in front, and knew I must be in the right location. That person ended up being David, the super newbie. I ended up not spinning or knitting that much, but helping him with the whole purl thing. Which was totally cool. It made me realize that I am not really a beginner anymore, and am what would be classified as an "Intermediate" knitter, which is totally weird, because I still feel like a beginner.
But, all in all, it was super fun. And I am planning on going back next week, which will hopefully have better open-mike-nighters. Dude, whoever you are, stop trying to sound like Eddie Vedder.

PS- I got to hold a 2month baby boy, named Nathan. To a non-mom, yet, this was like getting free candy. The. Best. Thing. Ever. 

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